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Jessica Glenn

IB Biology & IB Chemistry

Medical Student at Imperial College London

7 HL IB Bio, 7 HL IB Chem, A for Bio EE, 42 pts

IB can seem hugely overwhelming at first, but with proper guidance, it is incredibly manageable. The school I graduated from has been ranked #1 for IB for 10+ years, so I am well-equipped with resources that will enable students to ace both their exams and IAs/EEs. Students I have tutored in the past appreciated the step-by-step approach I took to solidify their thorough understanding of every topic.

Standard tutoring rate per hour:

  • 30 GBP per hour, or

  • 25 GBP per hour if you book 6+ hours in one payment.

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[Original size] Easy 7 IB BIOLOGY (1).png
Coming soon...

Weekly Availabilies



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Any lesson canceled less than 48 hours in advance without a valid reason will still be charged.

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Waiting list

If the weekly availabilities above don't suite you or there are no slots available:
Fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as your requested time is available

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Please fill in all the Required fields. Otherwise please send us an email request

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